How To Save Your Instagram Videos To Camera Roll? You can save Instagram videos from both PC and mobile devices and in any format - including Instagram Stories, IGTV, posts, and DM and look back at them whenever the mood strikes. Instagram Stories videos, designed to expire after 24 hours, can even be saved, but this requires using a few extra steps. Instagram videos are shared as feed posts, and IGTV videos are incredibly easy to save in just a few steps. Saving Instagram videos stores the videos that you love so you can go back and view them any time you like, rather than searching through your feed or the creator's feed.

You can directly jump to a section of your choice or keep scrolling. How To Turn Instagram Archive Stories On?.How To Save Your Instagram Video Stories To Archive? Can You Save Other Users' Instagram Stories Videos?.How To Save Instagram Videos From Stories In Highlights? How To Save An Instagram Video Posted To Your Story? How To Save Instagram Videos Through DMs? How To Save Your Instagram Videos Every Time You Post It? Does Instagram Notify Those Whose Videos You Have Saved?.How To View Saved Instagram Videos In Collections? How To Create Collections On Instagram?.How To Save Instagram Videos To Collections? Here are the top methods you need to know to master the art to download Instagram videos of your choice. Like most other Instagram users, you might have to download and save Instagram videos, either to reshare among your friends or to archive them for future reference. Until a long time, users had to stay contend with saving Instagram photos by taking screenshots.

One of the most distressing concerns rising among Instagram users is how difficult it is to download Instagram videos from the platform. Indeed, Instagram enjoys a prestigious place as one of the leading social platforms that offer high-quality and original video content. The number of video users on Instagram grows by 80% every year.